Volunteer permaculture Project

Permaculture Volunteer Project

Introduction the permaculture project runs in a farm near Hainault forest. It has been a point of reference for people from all walks of life. A place to learn new skills and to contribute to the the running of a beautiful and special place.

We will be planting, growing, consuming and selling our own organic food. We create a bank of organic seeds to secure the preservation of native seeds.

Seeds Alliance is a community that is coming together in a practical way to leave a legacy and find ways to be sustainable and improve their health and the health in their families.

Volunteering is open from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm

Feed your family non GMO products to improve their diet and health in general.

What to bring: gloves, boots and rain coat.

Commitment: it is open to people from all walks of life to come and join us and spent some time in nature at any day they wish to join. We do prefer that people commit to a number of days per week or month.

First we need to connect to nature. We must try to access and experience the benefits of connecting to nature to keep a good mental and emotional health.

We will be learning things such as:

  • Preparing the land and insuring that water flows in the areas needed.

  • Choosing the right place to plant

  • Preparing the ground

  • Choosing the seeds

  • Compost making and much more

Escaping the hectic pace of the city and given the children the opportunity to run and play our doors, helps to reduce anxiety and stress.

Community Economies (ACE)

Talks and seminars

We will also be running a number of talks and seminars around how to create “Alternative Economics” that will support individuals and families improving their finances and avoid poverty and destitution. Bring knowledge and creativity to grass roots communities to restart economies in communities in need.

  • Ethical business talk and seminar

  • Marketing Social media

  • Products making

  • Permaculture

  • Clean energy

  • Eating for Health


We running a number of arts and educational workshops at the farm.

keep up to date with our progress at the farm.

Check our Blog


Autumn is good time to create your seedbeds


Autumn is about getting the ground and soil ready

Physical work in the farm will definitely make you break a good sweat and keep you healthy.